53+ GitHub repos you should check out to become better developer [2021]

53+ GitHub repos you should check out to become better developer [2021]

There are many posts regarding types of amazing repos to learn webdev and things. So in this post we'll look into 53 unique repos using which developer can increase their porgramming skills or will help them in their project.

GitHub is the all-inclusive resource for everything identified with (web) improvement nowadays. Systems, demos, assortments, everything being equal, — there's presumably nothing you can't discover on GitHub.

Be that as it may, this enormous amount of things is the issue. There are cool things you'll likely never catch wind of, just on the grounds that there are such countless stores accessible.

  • Free Programming Books : Freely available programming books frame_safari_dark.png

  • Real World : "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more frame_safari_dark(2).png

  • JavaScript Alogorithm : Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings Alt Text

  • Awesome Python : A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources frame_safari_dark(1).png

    - gProfiler

frame_safari_dark(70).png gProfiler combines multiple sampling profilers to produce unified visualization of what your CPU is spending time on, displaying stack traces of your processes across native programs1 (includes Golang), Java and Python runtimes, and kernel routines.

gProfiler can upload its results to the Granulate Performance Studio, which aggregates the results from different instances over different periods of time and can give you a holistic view of what is happening on your entire cluster. To upload results, you will have to register and generate a token on the website.


We will be adding more repos to this list. If you want to add resources here please comment down below, remember No projects! Just useful resources for Developers.